Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cookie Dough Sale Update!

Thank you so much for your participation in the Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough sale!!! All orders went up on Monday and we'll have the delivery date and total amount earned for the school in the next few days!! The money from the sale will fund Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads and help fund our upcoming teacher appreciation expenses!!

Hull families did so great on the entertainment book sales that we earned enough to replace the canvas cover on the outside play structure!! We have one quote so far... trying to get the best price and get the job completed before Christmas!!

More details to follow!!

Harkins Loyalty Cups on Sale Now for 2013!

Please come to the front office to order your Harkins Loyalty Cup, T-shirt and gift cards for 2013! They make the perfect Christmas gift for your favorite teacher and friends. All the proceeds go to fund our upcoming Talent Show in the spring! Please share this post with your friends!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012



October 22-26 is RED RIBBON WEEK! Dress up day info went home with your child on Friday!! Monday is "BE A SUPERHERO!" day. Have the power to say NO to drugs! Wear superhero t-shirts, capes, etc!


Please pass the word!

Wednesday evening (6pm, Media Center) is the PTO Meeting!! Kids are welcome!  Hope to see you there!

School dance is THIS FRIDAY NIGHT! Admission is free for all Hull families and friends! 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

October is a BUSY, BUSY month!

Hey Guys!! After break, our schedule gets a little crazy!!!First off, we earned enough money from the Entertainment Book Sales to purchase the new canvas cover for the playground shade structure!  FANTASTIC job Hull Heroes!! :)  Prizes will go home the first week back for students that participated in the book sale.  Dolores reports that the school earned $4009 from the Safeway Receipt Collection!!! A small portion goes to the PTO fund and the rest is distributed evenly among the grade levels and specials!  If your child helped collect receipts, we want to acknowledge them at the Monster Glow Mash Dance with a prize.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure we have their names so no one is left out!  Email and put SAFEWAY in the signature line.  October 18th starts the Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough sale and right behind that is the Harkins Gift Card and Cup sales!  All proceeds from the Harkins sale goes to fund the Talent Show in May!!  October 24th is our PTO meeting at 6pm in the media center and the MONSTER GLOW MASH dance is October 26th from 6-8pm!  This year we have a small bouncy house for Kinder and younger siblings, a HUGE mega slide for the big kids, live DJ, food, glow items, fortune teller, costume contest and a few more surprises you won't want to miss!!! Add on Red Ribbon Week and a restaurant night and October finally comes to an end!! whewwwwwwwww...... ooh- box tops for education prizes will be going out when we return from break as well!!!!  :)


Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hey guys!!! With all the excitement of the Safeway Receipt collection, you might've missed the flyers about the PTO Box Top Contest!!!  Have you seen the great prizes for this event??? :) See flyer below which should've gone home to your child this week! Contest ends THIS FRIDAY!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hull Heroes NEED YOUR RECEIPTS and Help Volunteering!

Only 5 days left to help with the Safeway Receipt collection!!!  If your child is a HULL HERO, please email with a photo!  We want to thank all student volunteers at the upcoming Monster Mash dance!!!


PLEASE email if your child has helped with Safeway Receipts! We want to thank them at the Monster Mash dance with a prize!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Safeway Update - Day 3

DAY 3 UPDATE!!! Have you signed up to help be a HULL HERO?
Email to help out!!


WHO WENT TO FRIO MIO AND GOT A RAFFLE TICKET??? Here's a note from the owner to let you know if you're a winner!!!! They are very nice there so please check them out if you haven't yet!!! :)

The winners of the raffle:

675635 - Free Round of Golf At Lone Tree Golf Course on Riggs

675630 - One Free 8 Ounce Cup Per Week for 52 Weeks (approximate value $190.00)

And for EVERY family who sup

ported the fundraiser:
From Frio Mio: One Free 8 Ounce Cup Per Week for 12 Weeks (approximate value $44.00)

From Amalfi's Pizzeria: $10.00 Gift Certificate

So every family who brings in their Blue Ticket will receive gift cards with the approximate value of $54.00

Please past this information to all of the families. All they have to do is bring their blue ticket back in to the store.

If there is anything else I can do for your school please do not hesitate to ask. You have a bunch of wonderfuil people there.



Frio Mio Frozen Yogurt


We should have word back on Day 2 in a few hours!!  Here's a message from Dolores!!
SAFEWAY UPDATE FROM OUR VOLUNTEERS IN THE FIELD!! :) Hello! I received receipts from Mrs. Maheras and Mrs. Caliendo (parent volunteers) 1st timers...they helped out at Safeway on Chandler Blvd and they started us off with a whopping $78.17. Thanks Ladies!

Are you signed up for a shift yet? Don't just sit back and watch the money add up, be a part of it! Email me to confirm a shift! THX Dolores (email )

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Our big Safeway Receipt Collection starts today!!!!!  The proceeds will be shared among ALL GRADE LEVELS so please contact Dolores to volunteer!!!!  email

Here is some info you may  need to know if you are new to our program.
All supplies is kept at customer service. (posters, baggies, marker, scissors, tape)  Please be prompt so that if the shift before yours is filled, that volunteer won't have to take down signs, they will already be up for you.  Last person on a shift just, return everything to customer service.  
Make sure you mark your baggie with your name, kids names and teachers.  Deliver your receipts to HULL as soon as you can.  Do NOT leave receipts at the store.

HOW does this work???  During a 4 week promotional period, shoppers had an opportunity to purchase items marked with the yellow school bus 10% back to school labels.  ALL of those products are participating products and the shopper earned 10% of what the item cost. 
If the shopper has their safeway card linked to a school the money is automatically deposited into the school's account.  Their receipt will read something along the lines of "thank you for participating your earned amount has already been credited to the school of your choice" 
If the shopper does not have their safeway card linked to a school, there will be a 17 digit code on the bottom that will be printed out and that is the code we need.
The amount earned is based on what the shopper spent during the 4 wk promotional period, not what is in their basket that day.
In the past receipts have been worth 20 cents to as high as $64.00!  We don't know the amount until we enter those 17 digits in the escrip website.
If the shopper does not have a code or a message from the 10% back to school promo it simply means that during the promotion they did not purchase any of those items.
The schools get the money from the products like General mills, Hillshire Farms, Johnson & Johnson, Betty Crocker, Proctor & Gamble. 
We do not get the money from Safeway they are an escrip participant.
So while you are at Safeway, you might run in to buy a Starbucks or water or dinner-make sure that you register your Safeway club card to HULL because that way we earn 1% of everything you spend year round.  Go to our group ID # is 10383528.
Any questions please don't hesitate to contact me!
I usually tell shoppers as they are going in "HI I'm collecting your receipts they are worth money for our schools"  Once they know you are not selling anything they are happy to give you their trash!
The code prints towards the bottom of the receipt, some may be hesitant about personal info on it, the only info you see is their name and maybe last 4#'s of card they used, tell them we don't need that info, and we have scissors to trim off the bottom part we need.   If they just hand you the whole receipt, just take it, I can look through it and figure out if it is good or not.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Safeway Receipt Collection For HULL - WE NEED YOU!

Please email Dolores at to sign up at one of the 3 Safeway locations! This fundraiser is fantastic if we have the volunteers to support it! The earning potential is UNLIMITED!!! With your help, we'll be able to host fun events for our kids during the school year and contribute to the field trip funds for each grade level! Please pass the word!
Fundraiser starts next week!!!! 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Restaurant Night Update!!! Please pass the word!

PANDA EXPRESS RESTAURANT NIGHT scheduled for September 11th unfortunately has been cancelledWe have scheduled FRIO MIO FROZEN YOGURT instead for WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12TH FROM 3PM TO 8PM.  Located on Alma School and Chandler Heights.  (This is the frozen yogurt restaurant that has the WII Game System set up for everyone to play!)  We hope you all can make it out that night to support our school.  Hull earns a percentage of the sales!  Thank you from the PTO.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Ok Ladies and Gents - Entertainment Book sale is over and it's time to get motivated about SAFEWAY RECEIPT COLLECTION!!! Woooooooop woooooop.
Please check out the Facebook fan page for more details (link is over to the right of this page). 
We'll post an update early next week on how we did on the entertainment book sale!!! Thank you for your support and a special thanks to the very cool Kindergarten families that prepped all the books and materials!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Restaurant Night Update!!

 Special Thanks To Angie For Coordinating Our Fabulous Restaurant Nights For HULL!!!  Great job Mrs. Weise's 5th Grade for your support!!  You win a pizza party!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

***NEW*** Updated PTO Calendar - 28 August 2012

We've decided to combine the GLOW DANCE with the MONSTER MASH DANCE in October!!! We also added a HARKINS Cup/ Loyalty Shirt / Giftcard fundraiser to October to raise money for the Talent Show!! Please pass the word! :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

BOOK FAIR - 2013

Please pass the word! The Hull book fair will be held the week of
Feb. 19 thru Feb. 22 2013 in the Media Center!  The open house will be the evening of Feb. 21st from 5-8. 

Mark Your Calendar!!!

Picture day is this Monday!!!! wooooohooooooooo!!


We're up to 154 votes ladies and gents!!!  I see a lot of elementary schools leading the way! C'mon HULL HEROES!!!! Keep Voting!!!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

PTO NEWS From Angie!! :)

Angie attended the PTO Meeting last night and wrote up this fabulous newsletter for her classroom!  Other PTO reps have been sending copies of their notes as well and we are off to a great start!!! Please pass the word! :)


KINDERGARTEN PARENTS!!! You are coordinating our very first fundraiser for the school year!! Entertainment books will be on sale near the end of this month for $30. If we sell 500+ books, we earn $15 from each sale!! We'd like to use that money to purchase a new shade structure cover for the playground and contribute a $1000 to start the BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB at the Media Center! Kindergarten PTO Room Reps and teachers will pass information out soon!! Thank you for your support HULL FAMILIES!! :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

RESTAURANT NIGHTS - Please Pass The Word!

Thank you Angie for organizing the restaurant nights for HULL ELEMENTARY!!  Our school earns a percentage from each family night so please pass the word!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Our first meeting of the school year is August 8th at 6pm in the Media Center!  Hope to see you there!  The meeting will not exceed 60 mins.  Please "like" our new facebook page
for upcoming events!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Yearbooks will be on sale July 19th at MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT along with spirit wear and gift cards!!! See you there!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

We are working on our new website for the 2012-2013 school year!  Please check back soon and become a "fan" of our new facebook page here: