Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cookie Dough Sale Update!

Thank you so much for your participation in the Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough sale!!! All orders went up on Monday and we'll have the delivery date and total amount earned for the school in the next few days!! The money from the sale will fund Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads and help fund our upcoming teacher appreciation expenses!!

Hull families did so great on the entertainment book sales that we earned enough to replace the canvas cover on the outside play structure!! We have one quote so far... trying to get the best price and get the job completed before Christmas!!

More details to follow!!

Harkins Loyalty Cups on Sale Now for 2013!

Please come to the front office to order your Harkins Loyalty Cup, T-shirt and gift cards for 2013! They make the perfect Christmas gift for your favorite teacher and friends. All the proceeds go to fund our upcoming Talent Show in the spring! Please share this post with your friends!!