Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ice Cream Social Friday August 15th!

You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Come Join The Hull Community on Friday from 6-7PM in the School Cafeteria for Ice Cream. Get to know one another, sign up to help on a committee and just have fun. 

See You There!

Art Masterpiece Recognition for Hull

Attention Hull Hero's!!

Check out this WAY COOL video that was created by the district about Art Masterpiece. You will see that our school has been highlighted in the video; it was filmed (partially) in the art room (room 28 upstairs) at the end of last year. The Hull Elementary Art Masterpiece program is used as a model for others in the district (YES, we ARE that AWESOME).

If you have not had a chance to stop by the art room, check it out. We even have a school wide project going on for EVERYONE - Origami. Stop by and fold some paper today (paper and instructions have been provided in the art room).

Way to go Hull!!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

First PTO Meeting Tuesday August 5th!

Come One, Come All... To The First PTO Meeting of the new school year. 
Tuesday, August 5th at 6PM in the Media Center! Food and child care will be provided. The first meeting is always an important one. You can hear the schedule for the year, events that will be going on and sign up to volunteer on one of the many positions or groups that need help.