Monday, January 12, 2015

Donations Needed for Silent Basket Auction January 24th

Hull will be having its annual silent auction at The Polar Palooza Carnival January 24th. Each class/grade is responsible for putting together a basket. Please contact your room parent for more information. We still need items for the baskets. If you wish to donate, send the items into your teacher or ask him/her what the theme is for their basket. If you would like to be in charge of putting the baskets together, that would be helpful too. Contact your teacher for all of the details! 
Thank You for your generous donations!

Carnival Wristband Pre-Orders Due Jan. 21st

Volunteers Needed for Polar Palooza January 24th

Visit This Website to Sign up for volunteering:

Kiwi Loco Fund-Raiser This Wednesday