Tuesday, December 3, 2013

PTO Minutes from November's Meeting

Hull PTO Meeting Minutes
Media Center Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Attendance: Dolores Linares, Karen D'Agostini, Jessica Wallace, Kristen Boyd, Betsie Melter, Cheryl Bromich, Tina Henegar, Kathy Brewer, Sara Jenkins, Natalie Viera, Brenda Gerson, Susie Cable, Jen Summers.
Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by Kristen Boys, PTO President
Correction to last meeting minutes *Response Intervention Model not SPOTS.
Principal's Report - Principal Cheryl Bromich
Thanks on behalf of staff and student body to PTO for Halloween Happenings Event-Great Event!
Jump Rope for Heart will take place during PE
Turkey Bowl Wed 27th 1:40 pm
Snowman Shuffle & family picnic Dec 19th
Treasurer's Report - Jessy Wallace
Committee Reports
Fry's Community Partner Rewards - Dolores Linares
-our organization number 83766, so far 57 families linked Fry's VIP card to Fry's.
Box Tops - Nov 15th will be rewarding all students that participated with brining in at least one box top with popcorn/cotton candy .
Harkins Fundraiser orders due Nov 8th.
New Business
Hull Families Businesses "Hull PTO Hook Up"
-Hull business families give back a % to PTO
3 businesses signed up
-Holiday Gift Card Sales
-WInter Carnival
-Volunteer Flocking
-Coffee makers
-Snowman Shuffle Volunteers
Old Business
Kona Ice $270
Kiwi Loco $214
Peter Piper Pizza $737.90
Otis Spunkmeyer $4963.11 *Mrs. Breedlove's class won ice cream party for having most participants.
Halloween Happenings Event $700
Principal Bromich inquired about PTO donating money from Vendor fair table fees to underprivileged Hull families (like in past years), however unable to predict how much money will come in from vendor tables since event will be after the Holidays. Will gather more info and table request for next month.
Next meeting Dec 3, 2013 6:00 pm
Meeting adjourned 6:35pm
Prepared by : Dolores Linares 11/5/2013

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