Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Emergency PTO Meeting Tonight @ 6PM!

We all have sooo much extra time at the end of the school year.  I can just picture everyone sitting at home in the evenings, utterly bored, wishing there was just one more PTO meeting you could attend this year.  Right??  I know, me neither. 

However, we have two things that absolutely, positively, and very unfortunately must be voted on before the next school year starts.

Announcing one... final...totally last minute...super short...

We will be voting on two things.  These will be the only two things on the agenda- no other topics will be discussed, out of respect for everyone's time that evening.
1) a deposit of over $300 needs to be paid to hold our spot for a fundraiser next year
2) a vote to update our business name in our bylaws

If you wish to have a vote on these items, please join us:
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Hull Media Center

Monday, May 19, 2014

Meet The Teacher and Curriculum Night In July

As another school year comes to an end, we start looking to July for important dates to remember. 

Thursday July 17th  Meet the Teacher
    5:30pm - 6:30pm  Meet the Teacher (K-3, Priority Preschool, Kindercademy & ADPTS (K-6))
     5:30pm - 6:00pm  Curriculum Night   (4th, 5th & 6th)
     6:00pm - 6:30pm  Meet the Teacher (4th, 5th & 6th, Community Preschool)
Thursday July 24th  Curriculum Night
     5:30pm - 6:00pm  (Kinder & 1st), ADPTS (K-6), Priority Preschool, Kindercademy
     6:15pm - 6:45pm  (2nd and 3rd), Community Preschool

See you in July for another beautiful school year!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Teacher Appreciation May 5-9th

Don't Forget To Make Your Teachers, Specials, and Staff feel Appreciated Next Week!
Student Council has sent home flyers with ideas for each day:
Monday: What's the Word? Let your teachers know what they mean to you! Write a letter or a poem to any teacher and give it to them today. 
Tuesday: School Supply Bouquet. Give your teachers what they need. Bring in tissues, pencils, dry erase markers, glue sticks, crayons or anything else they may want or need for the classroom. Don't forget your special teachers- they need things too!
Wednesday: Homemade Appreciation. Do something crafty for your teacher. Make a craft, do some art, sing a song. Be Creative.
Thursday: FOOD! Teachers love snacks. Bring your teacher something delicious. Think about what foods or drinks your teacher likes and brighten their day.  Resource teachers need things to each and drink too. :)
Friday: Everyone Likes a Present. Surprise your teacher with something special. 

Thanks for showing your classroom, specials, and resource teachers how important they are to you.

Calling All Moms...

Muffins For Moms is Friday May 9th! 
Don't miss out on muffins and juice with your kiddo(s) on Friday from 7:30-8:15am. Come get "pampered" for breakfast while Dads, Grandpas and Others serve you and make you feel special. Located in the Cafeteria. 
***Dad's we still need volunteers. Please contact Jessy if you can help at wallacejessy@gmail.com***

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Field Day Tomorrow May 2nd!!!!

Don't Forget About Field Day tomorrow! Parents- Feel Free to volunteer your time and make this a fun day for the kids. Times are as follows:

8:45-10:05 All 1st and 2nd Grades
10:15-11:35 All 5th and 6th Grades
11:50-1:05 All Kindergarten
1:15-2:35 All 3rd and 4th Grades

Reminder: Students need to wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to get wet. They should bring  a water bottle, a hat and wear sunscreen.