Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Emergency PTO Meeting Tonight @ 6PM!

We all have sooo much extra time at the end of the school year.  I can just picture everyone sitting at home in the evenings, utterly bored, wishing there was just one more PTO meeting you could attend this year.  Right??  I know, me neither. 

However, we have two things that absolutely, positively, and very unfortunately must be voted on before the next school year starts.

Announcing one... final...totally last minute...super short...

We will be voting on two things.  These will be the only two things on the agenda- no other topics will be discussed, out of respect for everyone's time that evening.
1) a deposit of over $300 needs to be paid to hold our spot for a fundraiser next year
2) a vote to update our business name in our bylaws

If you wish to have a vote on these items, please join us:
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Hull Media Center

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