Friday, February 28, 2014

PTO Meeting March 4th 6-7PM

Don't Forget to Attend March's PTO Meeting on Tuesday from 6-7PM in The Media Center! 

PTO Meeting Minutes from February

Hull PTO Meeting Minutes
Media Center
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Attendance:  Cheryl Bromich, Jessalyn Muraco, Steven Heyd, Michelle Handley, Janice Burski, Peg Linge, Heather Henry, Karen D’ Agostini, Jessy Wallace, Kristen Boyd, Dolores Linares
Meeting Called to order at 6:02 by Kristen Boyd, PTO President
-Welcomed Mike Farfalla, Albertson’s Store Manager and Staff, were here to present Hull PTO with a check for $1000.00!  
-Last PTO minutes approved
Principal’s Report – Cheryl Bromich
-Thank you to PTO for amazing Winter Carnival.
-Kindness Acts being promoted
-New Intervention Program – Will need money for materials.
-Preparations underway for Parent/Teacher Conferences.
-Celebration of Learning Feb 20
-Kinder Registration across the district
-Annual Board Report is out.
Treasurer’s Report – Jessy Wallace
-total equity 28,281.69
Committee Reports
-Harkins Fundraiser – still a few cards left. You can purchase one at front office.
Winter Carnival – AMAZING!
New Business
-Book Fair, Mrs. Parilla is setting up. Volunteers are needed.
-Basket Auction  is online it ends Feb 24 6AM.
Peg Linge volunteered to help assemble baskets for whoever needs help.
Deadline for completion of baskets is Feb 20.
-Kinder Round up Feb 27, PTO will be present.
-Preparations for Read-A-Thon underway, 1st week of March kicks off Read Across Amercia.
-Movie Night March 7 to kick off.
Year book committee in need of pictures.
Pre-order $19.00  Regular price $23.00
Next PTO Meeting March 4th.
Meeting adjourned 6:36

Prepared by :
Dolores Linares
Feb 4, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

December PTO Meeting Minutes

HULL PTO Meeting Minutes
Media Center
Tuesday, December 13,2013
Meeting called to order 6:02 by Kristen Boyd, PTO President
Attendance: Kristen Boyd, Karen D'Agostini, Jessy Wallace, Dolores Linares, Cheryl Bromich, Tricia Koch, Janice Burski, Rona Sorce
Principal's Report- Re: Journey 2020 goal based on AIMS Data. Refer to website for more info. Mrs. Bromich attended student site council meeting w/ Dr. Casteel. Goal set up based on rubric on website. Math is area of focus for Hull.
Treasurer's Report - Jessy Wallace
Committee Reports-
Harkins - Inventory Left , may purchase at front office.
Winter Carnival -Jan 25th 12-3 3 contests , Mtg Monday 8:30 staff Lounge.
New Business
PTO By Laws voted , passed 100%
Holiday Gift Cards orders due Dec 9th.
Snow Man Shuffle Dec 19th. Need volunteers to scoop and pass out ice cream.
12/6/13Donuts for Dads
12/10/13 CPK Restaurant day 20% to Hull
12/19/13 Snowman Shuffle
12/20/13 - 1/6 /14 Break
3/3/14 Read a thon Kick Off
1/7/14 PTO meeting cancelled
2/4/14 Next PTO meeting.
2/20/14 Celebration of Learning/Basket Auction
Meeting Adjourned 6:33 pm
Prepared by : Dolores Linares

Friday, February 14, 2014

Keep Tracking Your Reading Minutes!

Turn in your reading minutes the last day of the month, February 28th! The reading store will be open during the first week of March for the kids to redeem their minutes for eagle bucks and prizes! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Book Fair Next Week!!!

Join The Hull Community at The Celebration of Learning Next Thursday Night

Celebration Of Learning:
Thursday, February 20th
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Don’t miss attending Hull’s Celebration of Learning!
Go visit your classroom and show off all of your class work.
Then stop by and visit Mr. Lincoln on the stage or Ms. Goudschaal in her music room.
There will be lots of books in the Media Center for the Book Fair.
4th—6th Graders have worked in groups of one to three to test various scientific questions and will be displaying their Science Boards around the outside of the Media Center in the hallways. Science Boards created by the 1st—3rd Grade will be displayed in their classrooms.
All of this year’s Art Masterpiece work will be hanging in the hallways. We have so many AMAZING artists at Hull.
Stop by the Multi-purpose room and check out of the Grade Level Baskets at the Silent Auction.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Read- A -Thon Planning Meeting Tomorrow Feb. 7th!

Meeting at 1:45PM in the staff lounge to start planning this spring's Read-A-Thon. Please join us to help plan this year's biggest fund-raiser, The Read-A-Thon. If you can't make it but would like to help, please email Kristen at

Also, click on the link to sign up to volunteer! Thank You!