Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Join The Hull Community at The Celebration of Learning Next Thursday Night

Celebration Of Learning:
Thursday, February 20th
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Don’t miss attending Hull’s Celebration of Learning!
Go visit your classroom and show off all of your class work.
Then stop by and visit Mr. Lincoln on the stage or Ms. Goudschaal in her music room.
There will be lots of books in the Media Center for the Book Fair.
4th—6th Graders have worked in groups of one to three to test various scientific questions and will be displaying their Science Boards around the outside of the Media Center in the hallways. Science Boards created by the 1st—3rd Grade will be displayed in their classrooms.
All of this year’s Art Masterpiece work will be hanging in the hallways. We have so many AMAZING artists at Hull.
Stop by the Multi-purpose room and check out of the Grade Level Baskets at the Silent Auction.

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