Wednesday, February 19, 2014

December PTO Meeting Minutes

HULL PTO Meeting Minutes
Media Center
Tuesday, December 13,2013
Meeting called to order 6:02 by Kristen Boyd, PTO President
Attendance: Kristen Boyd, Karen D'Agostini, Jessy Wallace, Dolores Linares, Cheryl Bromich, Tricia Koch, Janice Burski, Rona Sorce
Principal's Report- Re: Journey 2020 goal based on AIMS Data. Refer to website for more info. Mrs. Bromich attended student site council meeting w/ Dr. Casteel. Goal set up based on rubric on website. Math is area of focus for Hull.
Treasurer's Report - Jessy Wallace
Committee Reports-
Harkins - Inventory Left , may purchase at front office.
Winter Carnival -Jan 25th 12-3 3 contests , Mtg Monday 8:30 staff Lounge.
New Business
PTO By Laws voted , passed 100%
Holiday Gift Cards orders due Dec 9th.
Snow Man Shuffle Dec 19th. Need volunteers to scoop and pass out ice cream.
12/6/13Donuts for Dads
12/10/13 CPK Restaurant day 20% to Hull
12/19/13 Snowman Shuffle
12/20/13 - 1/6 /14 Break
3/3/14 Read a thon Kick Off
1/7/14 PTO meeting cancelled
2/4/14 Next PTO meeting.
2/20/14 Celebration of Learning/Basket Auction
Meeting Adjourned 6:33 pm
Prepared by : Dolores Linares

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