Friday, February 28, 2014

PTO Meeting Minutes from February

Hull PTO Meeting Minutes
Media Center
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Attendance:  Cheryl Bromich, Jessalyn Muraco, Steven Heyd, Michelle Handley, Janice Burski, Peg Linge, Heather Henry, Karen D’ Agostini, Jessy Wallace, Kristen Boyd, Dolores Linares
Meeting Called to order at 6:02 by Kristen Boyd, PTO President
-Welcomed Mike Farfalla, Albertson’s Store Manager and Staff, were here to present Hull PTO with a check for $1000.00!  
-Last PTO minutes approved
Principal’s Report – Cheryl Bromich
-Thank you to PTO for amazing Winter Carnival.
-Kindness Acts being promoted
-New Intervention Program – Will need money for materials.
-Preparations underway for Parent/Teacher Conferences.
-Celebration of Learning Feb 20
-Kinder Registration across the district
-Annual Board Report is out.
Treasurer’s Report – Jessy Wallace
-total equity 28,281.69
Committee Reports
-Harkins Fundraiser – still a few cards left. You can purchase one at front office.
Winter Carnival – AMAZING!
New Business
-Book Fair, Mrs. Parilla is setting up. Volunteers are needed.
-Basket Auction  is online it ends Feb 24 6AM.
Peg Linge volunteered to help assemble baskets for whoever needs help.
Deadline for completion of baskets is Feb 20.
-Kinder Round up Feb 27, PTO will be present.
-Preparations for Read-A-Thon underway, 1st week of March kicks off Read Across Amercia.
-Movie Night March 7 to kick off.
Year book committee in need of pictures.
Pre-order $19.00  Regular price $23.00
Next PTO Meeting March 4th.
Meeting adjourned 6:36

Prepared by :
Dolores Linares
Feb 4, 2014

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